A MexDer
Trading Member can either be a Proprietary Trading (“Prop Trading”)
Account using their own capital for trading. Or, a credit institution,
brokerage firm or other approved entity that handles orders to buy and sell
Futures, Options and Swaps contracts for customers through a MexDer Clearing Member Firm.
Becoming a MexDer
Trading Member offers the advantages of lower market data fees and a direct
voice in the Mexican financial marketplace directly with the Exchange.

Trust that settles and, as the case may
be, enters into Derivatives Contracts on its own account, on behalf of its
Clients or on behalf of both, as well as to transmit on its own account, on
behalf of its Clients or on behalf of both Orders for the execution of
Derivatives Contracts listed in the Exchange.
To learn more about how to participate in MexDer send
us an e-mail to promocion_mexder@grupobmv.com.mx
or consult the following information: How to
participate in MexDer?