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MexDer is now ready to allow financial institutions operating outside Mexico to participate directly as Trading Members in this Derivatives Exchange.

Our remote access platform –MexFix-, which took more than a year to complete, is leveraged on significant regulatory and technical upgrades. MexDer is using the standard FIX (Financial Information eXchange) protocol, version 4.4.

MexDer offers all Members an interface that enables them to connect their platforms directly to the Mexican Derivatives Market.  This opens up the possibility to enter trades and obtain market information in real time efficiently and reliably.

The Mexican Derivatives Market has a redundant infrastructure and contingency facilities in order to ensure a flawless execution of every trade.

If you are interested in accessing MexDer under this new mechanism, please contact us by Phone at +52 55 5342-9924 or +52 55 5342-9927, by e-mail at

MexDer is ready to assist its clients with more detailed technical information, including specifications of the interface, code tables, and extensive examples.

·       Connecting to MexDer

·       Certified ISV´s by MexDer

·       Certified Vendors by MexDer

MexDer Trading System

Technical documents

·       Coding Tables

·       Mexder Trading Specs (Mexfix 3.0)

·       Market Data Specs

·       Risk Control Gateway Filters

·       Drop Copy Specs


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